Diagnostic Imaging
Our purpose-built hospital offers digital radiography (X-ray) for small and large animals, as well as an ultrasound to give us a clear window into your pet’s health. We’re able to run tests quickly in-house to get a rapid diagnosis.

Small Animal Ultrasound
The ultrasound is a useful tool used in the diagnosis of many diseases and conditions from urinary tract disease to liver masses.
Pregnancy Determination
Ultrasonography is used to detect foetal heart rate and can be used for pregnancy determination as well as assessing foetal viability. Pregnancy determination is best performed from 25-35 days gestation, while ultrasound performed at term can be used in cases of dystocia to determine the degree of foetus stress. At full term a low foetal heart rate is generally indicative of foetal stress and allows our vet to make an educated decision when it comes to determining whether a caesarian may be the best option of survival for your litter.
Fetal skeleton can be detected by radiography from approximately 42-45 days gestation with best results achieved after day 55 when it comes to discerning litter size. Radiography at this stage in the puppy’s development will not harm the foetus or cause congenital defects.

Small Animal X-Ray
Radiography is a crucial component in the work up and diagnosis of many small animal cases including:
- lameness (eg cruciate ligament tears, spinal injuries)
- traumatic fracture (eg hit by car incidents)
- thoracic imaging (eg pneumonia, feline asthma, megaoesophagus)
- abdominal imaging (eg gastrointestinal foreign bodies and blockages)
Large Animal X-Ray
Large animal services include:
- lameness work-up
- fracture diagnosis
- laminitis/founder assessment
We are committed to helping animals live healthy, happy lives
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