Wellness Care
Routine vaccination is an important part of keeping your pet happy and healthy. Not only does vaccination protect your pet against serious life threatening diseases, but encourages routine annual health checks.

Canine Vaccination
The diseases in dogs which we vaccinate against are:
- Distemper
- Hepatitis
- Parvovirus
- Parainfluenza
- Bordetella bronchiseptica
- Canine Coronavirus
- Leptospirosis.
Our program for these is a c3 Vaccination at 6-8 weeks then c7 at 10-12 weeks and a c7 again at 16 weeks.
Yearly boosters are necessary to keep full immunity for most of these agents. A 3 yearly vaccine is available only for Distemper, Hepatitis & Parvovirus and certainly that is an option, but the other diseases require yearly injections for life to remain protected.

Feline Vaccination
The main diseases in cats are:
- Rhiotracheitis
- Calicivirus
- Panleukopenia
- Chlamydia
- Feline Leukemia
- Feline Immunodeficiency Disease
Recommended vaccination protocol:
- Starter course depends on level of cover (F4, F5 or F6) however we recommend a minimum of F4 for inside only cats and F6 for outdoor cats
- Annual booster

Rabbit Vaccination
The main disease of concern in rabbits is a calicivirus which causes Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD).
Recommended vaccination protocol:
- Starter course = 2 vaccinations 1 month apart
- 6 monthly booster for life

2-12 wks: puppies and kittens should be wormed every 2 weeks
12 wks – 6 months: monthly treatment with an all-wormer.*
From 6 months of age for life: continue monthly all-wormer treatment OR if your dog regularly has the Proheart (heartworm) injection, give an all-wormer every 3 months
Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes, so any dog who can get bitten (and that’s everyone!) needs protection. ProHeart is an injectable form of heartworm protection that is suitable for puppies from 12 weeks of age. At Coast and Valleys we recommend Proheart as the product has a 3 month “reach back” effect, effectivelty still protecting your dog against heartworm is you are a few weeks late for your injection. Worming tablets will NOT protect your dog if you are even 1 day overdue.
- 12 weeks old (at time of 2nd puppy vacc): 1st Proheart injection
- 6 months of age (at time of desexing): Proheart booster
- Annual vaccination: annual Proheart injection with annual vaccination once a year
*The term all wormer means that the product in question should cover treatment for both heartworm and intestinal worms (roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, tapeworm).

Fleas & Ticks
Due to the variety of tick and flea products on the market today, choosing the appropriate product for your pet can be difficult.
Bravecto and Nexgard are our best selling products for prevention in dogs.
In cats there are a variety of choices for flea prevention, however Frontline spray is the only product registered for tick prevention.
Please have a chat to one of our friendly staff regarding the most suitable product for your animal, whether it be a chewable tablet, a spray or a spot-on.

Dental Care
Dental disease is a common occurrence in many of our furry friends, particularly dogs, cats and rabbits.
Dental care is often best achieved via multiple means, including:
- annual health checks
- scale and polish
- dental diets
- dental treats
- teeth brushing
For many patients that are showing signs of dental disease a dental scale and polish under general anaesthesia is the only way to get the disease under control. Other methods can be then used to minimise calculus building up again, however often these patients will benefit from annual treatments.
Give you pup the best start with our Puppy School
Our Puppy School gives puppies the best chance to succeed by teaching them manners, basic commands, ease of handling and social skills. This four-week course is taught on Monday or Wednesday evenings, but you’ll need to register early for this pup-ular puppy preschool.